From Digital Spy
It was time to bid farewell to Lizzie Parker on last week's episode of Fashion Star, but we're straight into the next (rather tough) challenge! This time, the contestants have been asked to create two looks - one for the high-end, and one for the mass market. And the buyers can buy just one of the designs, or both!
Back as mentors are Nicole Richie, John Varvatos and Jessica Simpson, but the real people to impress are the buyers - Caprice Willard from Macy's, Terron Schaefer from Saks Fifth Avenue and Nicole Christie from H&M! Let's get on with the show...

Back as mentors are Nicole Richie, John Varvatos and Jessica Simpson, but the real people to impress are the buyers - Caprice Willard from Macy's, Terron Schaefer from Saks Fifth Avenue and Nicole Christie from H&M! Let's get on with the show...
© NBC Universal
Orly Shani & Sarah Parrott
John goes to see Sarah in the design studio and admits that he doesn't think her red dress is very high-end. Sarah seems to agree, but adds: "I have no idea what to do." She ends up changing things up but begins to worry that she's not going to finish in time. "It happens all the time," Orly reassures her, but Sarah's upset. "I hate not thinking what I'm doing is enough," she frets before the runway.
Meanwhile, Orly admits that she doesn't think of herself as a high-end designer. After some advice from Jessica, she decides to switch her high-end and mass market designs. "If I can make enough sales while I'm here, much less win, it would be a lifechanger," she admits.
In fact, Orly's high-end trouser pant impresses Jessica on the runway, though she admits that the mass market design wasn't her favorite. There's good feedback for Sarah, too - Nicole describes her white structured dress as "cool, edgy, sassy" but points out that only a certain kind of person ("like myself!") could wear it. But John disagrees - he thinks her high-end piece looked "inexpensive". Jessica chips in to say she loved her red dress and urges Sarah to keep getting better.
What will the buyers think? Well, it's not good for Orly - she gets no bids. But Sarah gets a $60,000 offer from H&M - her fourth H&M buy in a row! Nicole explains that the design felt "fresh" with great fabrics and colors. "We want to buy both styles," she explains. "We believe in you, Sarah." Backstage, Sarah says the offer "feels really good", but adds that she needs to work on getting offers from Saks and Macy's.

Ross Bennett, Luciana Scarabello and Ronnie Escalante
Ross is feeling very confident about his dress, though Nicole warns him in the design studio that it could be "a little Scarlett O'Hara". Ross admits that he's "pretty stubborn" and isn't really good at changing his mind, but actually, his enthusiasm is grating on the other contestants. "Shut up, Ross, please," Nzimiro mutters.

Ronnie's worried that he needs a bid because he hasn't been bought yet, while there's a lot of drama going on for Luciana, who is arguing with her pattern designer William. "You're making me look bad," she says, as the other designers watch. Meanwhile, in confessional, she explains: "William's very opinionated. He's always contradicting me. I'm the designer - I need him to interpret my design, not change my design. It was just ridiculous." She even walks out of the studio - can she pull it together for the runway?
Well, John isn't convinced about the fabric in her high-end high waist dress but praises the mass market design - "It was chic." But Nicole advises her that she needs to figure out who she is: "The dress? Sure it's cute, fine. But that's not going to win this competition."
Meanwhile, Jessica loves Ronnie's when it appears on the Runway ("that's pretty!" she murmurs), but John disagrees, explaining that he thought he saw something in Ronnie at the beginning but now it's "disappeared". Jessica doesn't stand for that and praises the brooch, slit and cut of his high-end evening dress and the slimming nature of his mass market design. "I honestly really liked it," she says.

As for Ross, Nicole again describes his high-end strapless dress as "Scarlett O'Hara", but adds: "This is what you did and it stands for who you are. I applaud you for that." Plus, she likes his mass market design, suggesting that someone like Katy Perry could wear it. "I would wear it to a garden party," Jessica agrees.
But with the buyers, neither Ross nor Ronnie get any offers. Caprice tells Ronnie that he needs to take more risks, while Terron is scathing about Ross's design: "It's really dated. It really looked to me like something that Olivia Newton John would have worn in Grease."
There's much better news for Luciana - Macy's bid $50,000. And then Saks bid $60,000! Caprice drops out, though first she praises Luciana for her improvement and tells her she's glad she's safe this week. "We're excited," Terron tells her. "I think you did an excellent job."
Nikki Poulos, Edmond Newton, Nzimiro Oputa
In the design studio, Nikki's definitely worried about the challenge - as a swimwear designer, she's not used to working on high-end fashions. It's probably not a good idea to design a dress including lace, then ("I don't even wear lacy underwear," Nikki admits.) But Nicole advises her to work with what she knows, so Nikki starts over with a new design.
She's not the only one who's anxious - Jessica admits that she doesn't see the difference between Edmond's high-end and low-end designs, and he confesses he's feeling stressed. But Nzimiro is feeling much more confident: "I am a genius!" he declares.
Maybe he shouldn't have been so sure of himself - neither Nzimiro or Edmond land offers this week. But Nikki sparks a bidding war between H&M and Saks, eventually scoring a $70,000 offer from H&M! Nicole explains that Nikki's designs are "retro" and "sexy" - "You hit the nail on the head."
Kara Laricks, Barbara Bates and Lisa Vian Hunter
It's time for the final showcase! In the design studio, Barbara explains that she's used to doing high-end fashion so she's feeling good... though she could really do with a buy. "I'm actually feeling really confident about this piece," she says. "But didn't I say that about the last piece?" Elsewhere, Kara admits that her high-end piece is over the top even for her - "If that is purchased, talk about affirmation!" she says.
Meanwhile, Lisa explains that she would love a buy from Saks as it reminds her of her late mother. But John warns that her mass market coat might be a little too "Paddington Bear" and isn't as fun as the other one. Still, Lisa doesn't agree and decides to push ahead... Will the risk pay off?
On the runway, John remains unconvinced by her mass market coat, but Nicole says she couldn't tell the difference between the high-end and low-end - "I think that is a great sign. I think you really accomplished a great coat in both markets." Both Nicole and Jessica agree that they love the yellow, mass market coat.
Elsewhere, Jessica praises Barbara's halter dress, suggesting that the differences between her two designs show her range. And there are great comments for Kara's tuxedo jacket from John: "You are on a frigging roll!" he tells her. He says it is a "home run, grand slam, out of the park".
Will the buyers agree with the mentors? Well, Macy's hands Barbara $50,000 and Caprice reveals she's impressed by her evolution... and will buy both dresses! There's also good news for Kara as she sparks a Saks-Macy's bidding war. Eventually, after promising to work with Kara in the future, Caprice backs down and lets Terron take the design for $70,000. "I think you are an absolute fashion leader," Terron says. "You're not a follower... We really want you at Saks Fifth Avenue." What's more, Kara learns she has now sold $230,000 worth of clothes!
But there's bad news for Lisa, who gets no offers. Terron even says he was surprised Jessica and Nicole said they would wear yellow, prompting shouts from the pair: "Mia Farrow! Rosemary's Baby! It's cute!" Nicole announces.
Who's going home?
After the buyers and mentors deliberate, Elle Macpherson calls back the buyers' bottom three designers - Lisa, Ronnie and Edmond. Time for the mentors to save someone, but Nicole admits the decision is "very hard". "The person we chose we are going to be pushing, pulling, punching, squeezing - whatever we have to do to get this person to the best of their ability," she reveals. "I'm telling you right now, they better bring it. That person is Ronnie."
So Ronnie's safe, but Edmond and Lisa have to face the buyers. Caprice says she's sorry to see Edmond there, but they haven't really seen him evolve lately. Meanwhile, Nicole explains that Lisa hasn't really shown enough innovation. In the end, it's up to Terron to reveal the name of the eliminated contestant - Lisa!
"It's a little bit painful being eliminated, but I had a buy by Macy's and I'm just so happy that my kids got to see my dress in the store," she says. "I've proven to myself that I can take my designs beyond my one motif. It's been an absolutely amazing experience."
Fashion Star airs Tuesdays at 10/9c on NBC.
Watch a preview for the next episode of Fashion Star below:
John goes to see Sarah in the design studio and admits that he doesn't think her red dress is very high-end. Sarah seems to agree, but adds: "I have no idea what to do." She ends up changing things up but begins to worry that she's not going to finish in time. "It happens all the time," Orly reassures her, but Sarah's upset. "I hate not thinking what I'm doing is enough," she frets before the runway.
Meanwhile, Orly admits that she doesn't think of herself as a high-end designer. After some advice from Jessica, she decides to switch her high-end and mass market designs. "If I can make enough sales while I'm here, much less win, it would be a lifechanger," she admits.
In fact, Orly's high-end trouser pant impresses Jessica on the runway, though she admits that the mass market design wasn't her favorite. There's good feedback for Sarah, too - Nicole describes her white structured dress as "cool, edgy, sassy" but points out that only a certain kind of person ("like myself!") could wear it. But John disagrees - he thinks her high-end piece looked "inexpensive". Jessica chips in to say she loved her red dress and urges Sarah to keep getting better.
What will the buyers think? Well, it's not good for Orly - she gets no bids. But Sarah gets a $60,000 offer from H&M - her fourth H&M buy in a row! Nicole explains that the design felt "fresh" with great fabrics and colors. "We want to buy both styles," she explains. "We believe in you, Sarah." Backstage, Sarah says the offer "feels really good", but adds that she needs to work on getting offers from Saks and Macy's.
© NBC Universal
Ross Bennett, Luciana Scarabello and Ronnie Escalante
Ross is feeling very confident about his dress, though Nicole warns him in the design studio that it could be "a little Scarlett O'Hara". Ross admits that he's "pretty stubborn" and isn't really good at changing his mind, but actually, his enthusiasm is grating on the other contestants. "Shut up, Ross, please," Nzimiro mutters.
© NBC Universal
Ronnie's worried that he needs a bid because he hasn't been bought yet, while there's a lot of drama going on for Luciana, who is arguing with her pattern designer William. "You're making me look bad," she says, as the other designers watch. Meanwhile, in confessional, she explains: "William's very opinionated. He's always contradicting me. I'm the designer - I need him to interpret my design, not change my design. It was just ridiculous." She even walks out of the studio - can she pull it together for the runway?
Well, John isn't convinced about the fabric in her high-end high waist dress but praises the mass market design - "It was chic." But Nicole advises her that she needs to figure out who she is: "The dress? Sure it's cute, fine. But that's not going to win this competition."
Meanwhile, Jessica loves Ronnie's when it appears on the Runway ("that's pretty!" she murmurs), but John disagrees, explaining that he thought he saw something in Ronnie at the beginning but now it's "disappeared". Jessica doesn't stand for that and praises the brooch, slit and cut of his high-end evening dress and the slimming nature of his mass market design. "I honestly really liked it," she says.
© NBC Universal
As for Ross, Nicole again describes his high-end strapless dress as "Scarlett O'Hara", but adds: "This is what you did and it stands for who you are. I applaud you for that." Plus, she likes his mass market design, suggesting that someone like Katy Perry could wear it. "I would wear it to a garden party," Jessica agrees.
But with the buyers, neither Ross nor Ronnie get any offers. Caprice tells Ronnie that he needs to take more risks, while Terron is scathing about Ross's design: "It's really dated. It really looked to me like something that Olivia Newton John would have worn in Grease."
There's much better news for Luciana - Macy's bid $50,000. And then Saks bid $60,000! Caprice drops out, though first she praises Luciana for her improvement and tells her she's glad she's safe this week. "We're excited," Terron tells her. "I think you did an excellent job."
Nikki Poulos, Edmond Newton, Nzimiro Oputa
In the design studio, Nikki's definitely worried about the challenge - as a swimwear designer, she's not used to working on high-end fashions. It's probably not a good idea to design a dress including lace, then ("I don't even wear lacy underwear," Nikki admits.) But Nicole advises her to work with what she knows, so Nikki starts over with a new design.
She's not the only one who's anxious - Jessica admits that she doesn't see the difference between Edmond's high-end and low-end designs, and he confesses he's feeling stressed. But Nzimiro is feeling much more confident: "I am a genius!" he declares.
Maybe he shouldn't have been so sure of himself - neither Nzimiro or Edmond land offers this week. But Nikki sparks a bidding war between H&M and Saks, eventually scoring a $70,000 offer from H&M! Nicole explains that Nikki's designs are "retro" and "sexy" - "You hit the nail on the head."
Kara Laricks, Barbara Bates and Lisa Vian Hunter
It's time for the final showcase! In the design studio, Barbara explains that she's used to doing high-end fashion so she's feeling good... though she could really do with a buy. "I'm actually feeling really confident about this piece," she says. "But didn't I say that about the last piece?" Elsewhere, Kara admits that her high-end piece is over the top even for her - "If that is purchased, talk about affirmation!" she says.
Meanwhile, Lisa explains that she would love a buy from Saks as it reminds her of her late mother. But John warns that her mass market coat might be a little too "Paddington Bear" and isn't as fun as the other one. Still, Lisa doesn't agree and decides to push ahead... Will the risk pay off?
On the runway, John remains unconvinced by her mass market coat, but Nicole says she couldn't tell the difference between the high-end and low-end - "I think that is a great sign. I think you really accomplished a great coat in both markets." Both Nicole and Jessica agree that they love the yellow, mass market coat.
Elsewhere, Jessica praises Barbara's halter dress, suggesting that the differences between her two designs show her range. And there are great comments for Kara's tuxedo jacket from John: "You are on a frigging roll!" he tells her. He says it is a "home run, grand slam, out of the park".
Will the buyers agree with the mentors? Well, Macy's hands Barbara $50,000 and Caprice reveals she's impressed by her evolution... and will buy both dresses! There's also good news for Kara as she sparks a Saks-Macy's bidding war. Eventually, after promising to work with Kara in the future, Caprice backs down and lets Terron take the design for $70,000. "I think you are an absolute fashion leader," Terron says. "You're not a follower... We really want you at Saks Fifth Avenue." What's more, Kara learns she has now sold $230,000 worth of clothes!
But there's bad news for Lisa, who gets no offers. Terron even says he was surprised Jessica and Nicole said they would wear yellow, prompting shouts from the pair: "Mia Farrow! Rosemary's Baby! It's cute!" Nicole announces.
Who's going home?
After the buyers and mentors deliberate, Elle Macpherson calls back the buyers' bottom three designers - Lisa, Ronnie and Edmond. Time for the mentors to save someone, but Nicole admits the decision is "very hard". "The person we chose we are going to be pushing, pulling, punching, squeezing - whatever we have to do to get this person to the best of their ability," she reveals. "I'm telling you right now, they better bring it. That person is Ronnie."
So Ronnie's safe, but Edmond and Lisa have to face the buyers. Caprice says she's sorry to see Edmond there, but they haven't really seen him evolve lately. Meanwhile, Nicole explains that Lisa hasn't really shown enough innovation. In the end, it's up to Terron to reveal the name of the eliminated contestant - Lisa!
"It's a little bit painful being eliminated, but I had a buy by Macy's and I'm just so happy that my kids got to see my dress in the store," she says. "I've proven to myself that I can take my designs beyond my one motif. It's been an absolutely amazing experience."
Fashion Star airs Tuesdays at 10/9c on NBC.
Watch a preview for the next episode of Fashion Star below:
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